Adults & Children are welcome to serve as Acolytes, Livestreamers, Readers, Choir Members, Ushers, Fellowship Providers, and Altar Guild Members.

Acolytes: Children and adults serve each week at acolytes who carry candles, crosses and banners in procession, and assist the clergy at the altar. Our acolytes are overseen by our Verger, Walter Roberts.

Livestreamer: Our Sunday morning and Holy Day worship services are livestreamed to YouTube by a team of teens and adults overseen by Father Matt.  

Choir/Children’s Choir: Children and Adults are welcome to join our Children's Choir or our Parish Choir, both of which are led by our Director of Music, Dr. Justin Bischof. 

Reader/Lector: Adults and teens serve each week at lectors, reading lessons in church. Our lectors are overseen by our Verger, Walter Roberts.

Usher/Greeter: Adults and teens serve each week at ushers, greeting worshippers at the back door (the Narthex) and welcoming visitors. Our lectors are overseen by Jean Gruener.

Altar Guild: Adults serve each week behind the scenes cleaning, polishing, ironing, reapiring, and preparing the sacred vessels, linens, and vestments for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Paige Lavengood serves as head of the Altar Guild.

Fellowship/Hospitality: The "8th Sacrament" in the Epsicopal Church is Coffee Hour or other post-worship fellowship events which are organized and provided by volunteers eadh week.  Jackie Kraft is our Fellowship Chair.

Sign up to volunteer today:

If your children are interested in serving in a worship minstry, please fill out this form.  Thanks!

If you (an adult) are interested serving in a worship minstry , please fill out this form.