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The one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not regretfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  -  2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are pleased to announce the launch the 2025 Stewardship Campaign for the Parish of Christ the Redeemer. Hard copies of this letter and pledge cards have been sent to every member and friend of Christ Church. You can also pledge online here.  All received Pledge Cards (hard copy and online) will be blessed on Stewardship Sunday, November 17, and we will have a catered and festive coffee hour after each service. Our goal for 2025 is four-fold:

1 – We want everyone to mark their calendars and attend these fun Stewardship Events.

2 - We want every member and friend to make a Pledge to support Christ Church. 

  • Our Goal is 150 Pledges, more pledges than we have had in at least 15 years. We have had roughly 110 pledgers the past few years, so this would be a sizeable increase.
  • We had over $400,000 in pledges for the second year in a row, yet still had a sizable deficit for 2024.  Our goal for 2025 is $450,000 which will greatly help our bottom line.
  • Every Pledge Card received on or by Stewardship Sunday, November 17, will be blessed at the Eucharist. We will make a renewed effort after that to reach out to anyone who has not yet made a pledge. You can make our job much easier by returning your pledge card today or making an online pledge right now!

3 - We are asking everyone to take a step up in their support for the parish in 2025. 

  • If you are not yet making a pledge, then your step-up is turning your annual donations into a pledged amount and submitting a pledge card or an online pledge.
  • If you already make a pledge to Christ Church then your step-up might be to increase your pledge by at least the amount of the cost of living or begin percentage giving. Father Matt & Nicole Mead tithe 10% of their incomes, and they are not alone in the parish either as tithers or as percentage income givers.
  • If you are on a fixed income and no percentage increase is possible, your step-up might be to begin giving online or to increase a few dollars each week. 

4 - We encourage everyone to consider online giving.

  • You can check into your Christ Church account to see how much you have given to the church through the new online portal (by 2025 you will be able to see all donations).
  • You can schedule donations so that that you never forget to pay your pledge.
  • You can donate from your bank account or credit card (and choose to cover transaction fees).
  • You can donate to any of the various designated funds that the Church has (Friends of Music, Children’s Ministries, Outreach, College Grants Fund, etc.)

Why should I pledge to Christ Church?
Each of us has a different story about why we come to Christ Church, why we keep coming back, and how the Holy Spirit nourishes us at Christ Church. Your story is your answer to why you support Christ Church and why it matters to you that we remain open, fully staffed, and full of active ministries. Your pledge is essential to the Church and inspired by the Spiritual journey told by your story.

2024 has been a year of renewal and vitality. Our attendance total for 2024 will surpass our attendance total for last year in week or two. A look around the parish these past few weeks has made it clear that our children’s ministries, music ministries, and outreach ministries are all growing and vibrant.

Thank you for your presence and generosity in making Christ Church the wonderful place that it is. Thank you for being part of this Christ-centered and Spirit-filled community that draws parishioners from as far away as Jersey City to Poughkeepsie, from Connecticut to the Bronx. Thanks be to Almighty God for you and our shared ministry proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ at the Christ Church!

In Christ,        
Curtis Chase, Stewardship Chair

J.D. Calder, Senior Warden

Etta Gumbs, Junior Warden

The Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead, Rector