The priimary musical instument used in worship and at concerts at Christ Church is the Jack Hennigan Memorial Organ, Juget-Sinclair, Opus 51, a 2 manual, 33 stop organ built for Christ Church and installed in 2019. It was donated by parishioner Martin Nash in loving memory of Jack Hennigan who served as the church’s organist and choirmaster for 16 years through 1990.  The new pipe organ was blessed by Bishop Andrew St John on December 8, 2019, and on February 15, 2020 Daniel Roth played the the dedicatory recital and concert.

Full specifications for the organ can be found here.

The organ builder, Juget-Sinclair, is based in Montreal. Those curious about the company can explore its website:  The company’s three partners and eight employees work on one organ at a time.  Most of the work, from pipes to the organ case, is done in-house; exceptions are the blowers and electronics, which are outsourced.

Christ Church also has four pianos which are used in worship, for concerts, at choir rehearsal, and for events.  

Please speak to our Director of Music, Dr. Justin Bischof, to learn more.