Liturgical Music is a cherished aspect of worship and life at Christ Church. One of the primary ways in which we worship, love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ is through our musical offerings each Sunday and on Holy Days.

The Episcopal Church is blessed with a rich tradition of liturgical music and hymnody.  Hymns are chosen from the Hymnal 1982 and other authorized resources.

The Choirs of Christ Church sing Sunday mornings at the 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist and also on many major Holy Days throughout the liturgical year.  Each week the choir sings an offertory anthem and communion motet that is chosen to highlight a theme appointed to the day or a particular passage of Scripture read at the service.  Additionally the choir accompanies congregational hymn singing including descants and harmony parts, and also sings the Psalm selection each Sunday, often to traditional Anglican Chant setting.  On Holy Days and other festal occasions the choir also sings portions of the Mass Ordinary or other liturgical music assigned for a Holy Day.

Our organist, Dr. Justin Bischof, provides instrumental music before, during, and after each service.  Each week a Prelude and Postlude is offered to bookend the service, these pieces are normally masterworks written and arranged by world-renowned musicians and composers.   Justin is a gifted organ and piano improviser and some of the highlights each service are the seamless transitions and “walking music” that he provides to add depth and maintain liturgical flow.

Please speak to our Director of Music, Dr. Justin Bischof, to learn more.