Notes for this Sunday
Music Notes for the 10am Service
- Prelude: Fantasia and Fugue in c minor BWV 537 by Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750
- Procession Hymn: 376, Joyful joyful we adore thee, Hymn to Joy
- Gloria in excelsis: S280, Gloria by Robert Powell
- Psalm 116:1-8: Dilexi, quoniam, Anglican chant by William Crotch.
- Sequence Hymn: L-226, Battle hymn of the Republic, Battlehymn
- Offertory Anthem: Fight the good fight with all thy might, Op, 54, No.5 by John Gardner (1917-2011)
- Offertory Doxology: 380, vs 3, Old 100th
- Sanctus & Benedictus: S125 by Richard Proulx
- Agnus Dei: S164 by Franz Schubert arranged by Richard Proulx
- Communion Hymn: 711, Seek ye first the kingdom of God, Seek ye first
- Communion Anthem: Ave Verum Corpus K. 618 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791
- Procession Hymn: 460, Alleluia sing to Jesus, Hyfrydol
- Postlude: Toccata (Symphony No.5) by Charles-Marie Widor 1844-1937