Notes for this Sunday

Music Notes for the 10am Service

  • Prelude: Prelude in g BWV Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750
  • Procession Hymn: 665, All my hope on God is founded, Michael
  • Gloria in excelsis: S280, Gloria by Powell
  • Sequence Hymn: 660, O Master let me walk with thee, Maryton
  • Offertory: Improvisation (Bischof)
  • Offertory Doxology: 380, vs 3, Old 100th
  • Communion: Improvisation (Bischof)
  • Sanctus & Benedictus: S129 by Powell
  • Agnus Dei: S163 by Powell
  • Procession Hymn: 541, Come labor on, Ora labora
  • Postlude:  Labour Day Toccata (Bischof)