Services & Preacher this Sunday

  • 8am: Said Eucharist (Rite I).
  • 10am: Choral Eucharist with Parish Choir (Rite II).
  • 10am: Sunday School & Nursery care.
  • 5pm: Said Eucharist (Rite II). 
  • Our Celebrant and Preacher for all servcies today is the Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead, Rector.  

 Fellowship & Afternoon Events

  • Coffee Hour or a light reception follows each service (Library / Hoag Hall / Bell Tower)

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About Today's Service

  • The Holy Eucharist, the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord's Day and other major Feasts, and Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer, 1979, are the regular services appointed for public worship in the Episcopal Church. At Christ Church we celebrate the Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 8am and 10am, occasionally Sundays at 5pm, and also on Holy Days and other occasions. The 10am celebration of the Holy Eucharist includes organ music, congregational hymnody, and during the academic year psalms, anthems, and motets sung by our choir. 
  • This period in the Church year is known as the “Epiphany Season” or “Ordinary Time.”  The term “ordinary” refers to how the New Testament passages are generally read in order or in sequence, as opposed to being arranged by specific theme as in other seasons.  During this season the Gospel passages focus on the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and how he is revealed to the world as the Christ.  In Year C (the third in a three-year cycle: A, B & C) most of the Gospel passages are from the Gospel according to Luke.  The Old Testament Lesson and the Psalm are chosen because they relate to the words and message of Jesus.  The New Testament Lesson is independent of these readings and reflects the common life and mission of the first Christian community. 

Music & Lectionary Notes for the 10am Choral Eucharist

  • Prelude: Arabesque by Justin Bischof
  • Procession Hymn: 657, Love divine, all loves excelling, Hyfrydol
  • Song of Praise: 421, All glory be to God on high, Allein Gott in der Höh
  • Old Testament: Genesis 45:3-11, 15
  • Gradual: Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42 to an Anglican Chant setting by John Joubert.
  • New Testament: 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50
  • Sequence Hymn: 591, O God of earth and altar, King's Lynn
  • Gospel: Luke 6:27-38
  • Offertory Anthem: Awake the Trumpet’s Lofty Sound  by  George Frederic Handel 1685-1759
  • Offertory Hymn: 380, vs 3, Praise God , from whom all blessings flow, Old 100th
  • Sanctus & Benedictus: S114 from Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena, Healey Willan (1880-1968)
  • Agnus Dei: S158 from Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena, Healey Willan (1880-1968)
  • Communion Anthem: Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life!  by  Harold Friedell 1905-1958
  • Post-Communion Hymn: 307, Lord enthroned in heavenly splendor, Bryn calfaria
  • Processional Postlude:  Toccata Festiva  by  Bischof