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Sunday, August 11, The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 

  • 8am - Holy Eucharist Rite I (Church)
  • 10am - Holy Eucharist Rite II (Church)
  • 10am - Nursery care (Nursery Room)
  • 10am Service Leaflet
  • Our Celebrant and Preacher for all Services is the Rev. Matthew Hoxsie Mead
  • Coffee hour follows both services (In the Library)

Music for Sunday, August 4, The 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Prelude: Fantasia Chromatica (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck 1562-1621)          
Offertory: Improvisation (Bischof)
Communion: Improvisation (Bischof)
Postlude:  Toccata Festiva (Bischof)

307: Lord enthroned in heavenly splendor, Bryn Calfaria
S280: Gloria by Powell
324: Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Picardy
380, vs 3: Doxology, Old 100th
S129: Sanctus & Benedictus by Powell
S163: Agnus Dei by Powell
432: O praise ye the Lord, Laudate Dominum